Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Part I: painting our guest room furniture

Posted by Head Fly at 6:43 PM

DSC04789i’ve decided to tackle the task of painting our guest room furniture.  in our guest room we have a matching antique chest, dressing table and bed.  they were handed down to us from my grandmother after she moved in with my dad.  i had always loved her guest bedroom furniture set so i was really happy to be able to use it in our guest room.  the finish on it was pretty scratched up and wasn’t in the best condition.  i was hesitant to refinish it because i had refinished an old bed a few years back and it was a long and very messy process.  after a year of looking at the scratched up finish i finally decided i would antique them instead.  here are the before pictures of the dresser and chest.  i decided not to refinish the bed because it was in better condition than the other pieces and because i also had no extra room to store the mattress while i would be doing the painting.


today i started the painting process.   i was able to get everything primed.  it took forever due to the amount of drawers.  count them…there’s 13!  i used my favorite oil-based primer to prime them, zinsser oil-based primer.  it’s a great primer.  it dries in about 45 minutes and best of all it bonds to everything so well that you don’t even have to sand beforehand.

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after priming everything our guest room looks like a sea of drawers.  tomorrow should go much more quickly because i’m using latex paint for the next step.

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stay tuned to see how it turns out.


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