Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun with Knits

Posted by Head Fly at 5:31 PM

Since today was my birthday, I decided I was going to sew whatever I felt like.  Nothing for The Cottage Mama, just something that I had been dreaming up in my head.  I recently received a shipment of new cotton knit fabric - Patty Young for Michael Miller and I have been dying to get working with them.

To be honest, these knits are a little "funky" for me, since I consider myself to be a little more classic in style, but every once in a while I like to step outside of the box.

Here's a little number I came up with today for my daughter Savannah........

For the little layered flower on the top, I added interfacing behind each piece of knit to give it more structure.  I left the edges raw and just used a straight-stitch around each circle.  I free-handed the circles so they would look a little more organic.  I finished it off with a little pink button.

For the pants I didn't hem them, I just left a raw serged edge.  A nice hem would definitely be a cleaner look, but since I plan on these being play clothes for Miss S., I thought the raw edge was perfect.

I didn't use a pattern for this outfit, I just kind of mix and matched different pattern pieces of my own to put it together.  Some day I will have to do a post on how I come up with my own designs........I kind of have my own process of doing things that works for me.  But we'll save that for another day.

I find mixing and matching patterned fabrics to be so much fun!  These knits are amazingly soft - I'm thinking I may have to make a little something for myself and Miss Matilda too!

Do you like sewing with knits?  They really are very easy to work with.  Give them a try and I bet you'll be hooked.  Interested in any tips for sewing with knit fabric?

Cottage Mama's Note:  Please take notice of how Savannah is NEVER looking at the camera.  Wow, getting a good picture of a toddler is MUCH harder than anything I have ever sewn!!


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