Friday, October 15, 2010

This just spoke to me........

Posted by Head Fly at 6:13 AM
Yesterday I was over at my mother-in-laws felting a ton of wool (tutorial on that soon) and she gave me the "Where Women Create" magazine featuring Amy Butler, Nancy Soriano, and Jo Packham (just to name a few). 

I am so inspired by this magazine - reading all of these incredible stories of creative women entrepreneurs and the spaces where they turn their dreams into reality. I've read many issues of this magazine before, but for some reason this issue, in particular, spoke to me.  There were several quotes that I just cannot seem to get out of my head, so here I am blogging about it because I have to get these thoughts out in writing and maybe some of you all can relate.

So I'll start with sharing my favorite quote from the issue and it comes from "Little Women" via the artist Debbie Dusenberry......

"You have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life?"

I struggle daily with whether or not I should be doing what I'm doing in regards to my children's clothing business, blogging, creating, ect.  I really do.  I think it's what they call "mother's guilt".   At this point, my life does not fit the same mold of most other mothers.  I struggle with what I feel my life should be verse what I want it to be.  I see a lot of other mother's around me completely devoted to their children, really taking no time out for themselves and their passions in life because it's what they are supposed to do.  And I respect that, really I do.  But I want more from life for myself and my family.  

I've always wanted to be a stay-at-home Mom (honestly, I have) and I am lucky to have the opportunity to do so.  And I love everything that has to do with the domestic life, but even in the early months staying home with my daughter, Savannah Rose, there was something burning inside of me.....a creativity that just needed to be released.  And thus, I created the blog "The Cottage Home" and the children's clothing business "The Cottage Mama".  Do I need to work? No.  Do I want to work on "The Cottage Mama"?  Absolutely!  It is my passion.
Which leads me into another quote..........that comes from Julia Cameron via the artist Amy Barickman........

"Creativity is an act of faith and we must be faithful to that faith, willing to share it to help others, and to be helped in return."

I never thought of creativity from this perspective, but it truly is a gift from God.  And for those of us that cannot control our need for creativity, we must follow in the faith.  That is why I love writing this blog, I love helping others learn and awaken their creative spirit and I love learning from all of you as well.  Why should we suppress a truly amazing gift from above just to fit the mold of an ordinary life?  We should feel lucky and blessed to have had that gift bestowed on us.

And finally a quote from Rober Schuller via Nancy Soriano.........

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"

How many times have you thought about doing something, but then never acted on it because you just knew it would never happen?  We all act on our fears and insecurities and it is what inhibits us from following our dreams in this world.  So I ask you to take a minute and think about the quote above, what would you do?  I know what I would do. Push all your worries and fears aside and speak to your inner voice.  I cannot even imagine what our world would be like if we could all just push fear aside and go for it!

In closing, these are my final feelings.........

I want my girls to be proud of their mother and know that what I do for myself, I also do for them.  I want them to know that I did not conform to the majority and took a different path.  I want to not feel guilty about embracing the gift of creativity.  I want my girls to take the gifts God has bestowed upon them and actually do something with them, not suppress them to conform to the molds of what women and mother's should be in our society.  I want them to take on their dreams and goals head on without the idea of failure.  I want them to listen to their creative spirits.  I want them to walk to the beat of their own drummer.  I want them to be happy.

Thank you for reading.


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