Sunday, January 8, 2012

french oil paintings

Posted by Head Fly at 12:45 AM

I was beyond excited yesterday to find a couple of little paintings that I adore.    Bringing them home sent me into a flurry of relocating paintings.

I love groups of paintings , united by colour or theme.  Whenever I have the chance I pick up small paintings, generally oils, often on board rather than canvas.  I have them framed when I get around to it, otherwise they are stood on shelves, between books, behind a lamp.  Just can't have too many!

Today I grouped some above the table in our entrance hall, and some others above the tub in a bathroom.  Tell me what you think BTW if you think a couple aren't quite straight, you're probably right!  sorry I didn't see until the post went up then I ran out of time to reshoot !  sigh ... )

In the bathroom I assembled 10 canvases that are all about water, and happen to be in the same palette.

They started off standing up against the narrow shelf behind the tub,  then little by little they crept up on to the wall.  It's never that easy to find the right positions straight away, and as these canvases are very lightweight, I just use tiny copper tacks that can easily be moved around.

In the entrance hall it was more difficult.  All the paintings are landscapes, in similar colour ways, but some are framed, some not, and some just stood in frames temporarily.

The top picture was my main find yesterday (I love to 'borrow' stuff from the store until it finds a new home!).  It's a pretty oil on canvas of a village not far from here.

This little square scene, is the other one that I found yesterday , I just love the shadows falling across the track.


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