Saturday, February 25, 2012

blogging vs. pinterest or the importance of instant gratification

Posted by Head Fly at 2:34 PM
People keep telling me that blogs are on their way out, swept aside by the allure of pinterest and tumblr; an instant fix of happiness through pictures only......


We all know that blogging is fun, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here typing these words, and you wouldn't have come over to check me out.  But are we getting lazy?  Do we have shorter and shorter attention spans?

There are some amazing tumblr blogs, where the author collects fantastic pictures and simply posts them: no text, no opportunity to comment, no interaction.  It seems to me that Tumblr is about a quick fix of instant beauty, while Blogger gives more entertainment and a real chance to interact.   Pinterest seems close to Tumblr, although the board system is very revealing about the author, and of course the source of the pictures is out in public, providing a useful tool to blogs trying to drive new traffic in.

Personally, I love to blog and to interact with my readers.  I love to visit blogs that are well written, they make me think, they make me laugh,  and sometimes they make me cry;  the quality of blogs in our blogosphere is truly impressive.

I pin a little ... because I feel I should.  I don't like everything about Pinterest, and mostly I prefer to file pictures on my computer rather than showing the world what interests me.

I use the facebook page for the blog to give a daily, or thrice daily shot of beauty.  I show pictures with extra appeal, that compliment the blog.
I can only say what I do personally,.....but how are you adapting to the new choices and offers that seem to evolve daily?
 One thing is for sure, in a years time there'll be something new and we'll all be scurrying to adapt.   At least it keeps us on our toes!

Bon weekend mes amis!

PS  Thank you for all the input and great comments, also for the emails.  Something that not everybody seems to realise that is kind of fun:  if you have a blog you can find the page that shows exactly what is being pinned from your blog, very interesting to see how readers interact with each post and which are their favourite pics!  :)

To find your page just enter BLOG ADDRESS/

Have fun!  :)


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