Wednesday, July 25, 2012

{Home Tour - Cozy.Cottage.Cute.}

Posted by Head Fly at 3:05 AM
Yes, it's that time again. Time for another fabu home tour from one of my favorite DIYers. It's Sarah, from Cozy.Cottage.Cute. her blog title says it all.
Even though Sarah is in the middle of a full blown reno and a teeny baby at home, she still found time to send us this amazing home tour for us to droll over. Warning: you may think you clicked over to the Country Living website. Sarah, you ROCK!

Well hi there. I'm Sarah. You can find me over at Cozy.Cottage.Cute. babbling on about white furniture, s-l-o-w-l-y renovating and decorating our home (on a budget)(booooo to budgets), repurposing vintage / antique items and furniture, my love of cottage style, and occasionally tidbits of everyday life stuff too.

I was so very flattered when Denise asked me to guest post over at The Painted Home. I would love to share a little tour of the progress we've made on our home with you. While far from finished, this house has made quite a transformation since we bought it six years ago.

I had brilliant plans to take, edit, and upload a whole slew of new photos but alas a new baby and the purchase / renovation of a second home have been monopolizing all of my time (in a good way of course). Old photos it is. :)

The Nursery

Our little boy's nursery is the one room in our whole house that I can say is "finished". It's my favourite room too, even though the little guy has only spent about 20 minutes in it since he was born. Hee hee.

Living Room

The living room, dining room, sun room are adjacent to eachother and are all works in progress. We've got the basics but still need to warm up the spaces with rugs, window treatments, fabric, and wall art. I'm one of those types that waits and waits and waits for the "perfect thing". Example: I've been on the hunt for a chippy, green bench for the front entry for three years. (I'm sure it's out there somewhere!)  I used the same pale gray throughout as all three rooms are open to eachother.

Dining Room


Powder Room

The powder room and breakfast room are also works in progress. They are both off the kitchen and painted the same pale, fresh green. {The green is much lighter than how it appears in the photos.} 

Breakfast Room


Our kitchen has to be the ugliest room in the house by far. Since doing a complete kitchen makeover won't be in our future any time soon, we've been making small changes to make it more inviting and livable in the meantime.


The last part of our home that I will share today is the exterior. I've been slowly but surely working on adding some curb appeal since we purchased the house.

Thank you so much for taking a little tour of our "work-in-progress". If you are curious about any of the rooms or photos above, the were all taken from previous posts that can be found on the left sidebar of my blog. Stop on by anytime, I'm sure I'll still be rambling on about searching for that green, chippy bench. :)

Did I tell ya'? Country Living for sure. Thanks so much Sarah, you are an inspiration to us all.
Stop by Sarah's and show her some love!


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