Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pattern Weights

Posted by Head Fly at 8:10 PM

I don't know about you, but cutting fabric is one of my least favorite parts about sewing.  I love having a design idea in my head and I LOVE sewing it together, but the cutting......not so much. 

I was reading my most recent issue of "Sew News" magazine and they had a great idea that I thought I would share with all of you.  Typically when you are working with a pattern, you will pin it to your fabric and then cut it out.  Well, their tip was to use washers (like the kind your find in the hardware store) to weight-down the pattern pieces.  Genius, I say!!  Why didn't I think of this?!  This helps to stabilize the pattern pieces so that they don't move during cutting. 

So now I simply weight down my patterns onto my fabric and use my rotary cutter to cut them out.  And if you don't use a rotary cutter to cut your patterns, you must!  As painful as I find cutting patterns to be, it makes it go 10x's faster.

The next time you are sewing from a pattern or even if you are trying to simply trace something, grab some is a seriously good thing!!


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