Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

Posted by Head Fly at 5:36 PM

Ok, so I've really been wanting an excuse to post this picture of my little cutie, Matilda Jane.  My friend Ellie took this picture at our playgroup last week and though this picture doesn't have much to do with my post, I just wanted to share.  Miss Matilda is asleep right now, but this picture just makes me want to give her a big squeeze!

Now on to other matters of business, I just received my VERY first blogger award!  Trista, from Homemaking 101 contacted me and said she had awarded me The Versatile Blogger award!

Versatile Blogger Award

The Rules for this award are:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you've recently discovered and you think are fantastic!

4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

So first things first, I would really like to thank Trista at Homemaking 101 for presenting me with this lovely honor.  You will forever be remembered as the 1st person to give me a blogging award!

Seven things about myself:
1.  I have lived in 5 different states.
2.  My hubby and I are high-school sweethearts.
3.  I have a BS in Finance.
4.  I sing, dance and act and LOVE Broadway shows!
5.  I do not like mushrooms or blue cheese.
6.  I have one brother and he is a very talented Chef.
7.  I love jazz music!

Drumroll please............and the Versatile Blogger Awards go to (in no particular order):

1. All Things Thrifty
2. Crafty Girls Workshop
3. The Persimmon Perch
4. Positively Splendid
5. The Trendy Treehouse
6. Fabrics I Love
7. Butterfly Baby Place
8. Confessions of a Sewing Dork
9. Whimsy Couture
10. Joy Made Jewelry
11. While They Sleep
12. The Fancy Fritter
13. Olive & Ollie
14. Sew Fantastic
15. 2 Sweet Peas & Me

Thanks again, Trista, for this lovely award!


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