Monday, September 27, 2010

Embroidered Reusable Snack Bag Tutorial

Posted by Head Fly at 9:03 PM

I have been wanting to make some reusable snack bags for my girls for about six months now.  Today I finally took the initiative and got some made (it's about time, right?).  I made these today partly out of necessity (we are out of plastic sandwich bags) and partly because we are taking a road trip down to Tennessee next week for me to do a show for "The Cottage Mama" and I just thought they would be great for the car ride.

There are about a gazillion tutorials on the internet for these reusable bags (there are some really great ideas out there).  But as it is with most things for me, I didn't find exactly what I was looking I made up my own version and now I'm happy to be able to share it with you.........

1 piece exterior fabric (8" x 13")
1 piece unbleached interior fabric (8" x 13") - I used Osnaburg cotton
Velcro (7")
Fabric scraps for embroidery
Water soluble fabric pen
Embroidery floss, needle and hoop
Sewing machine

The embroidery on these snack bags is what I think makes them fun and unique.  You can use whatever words you like - I used "yummy", "delish", "snack" and "goodies". Take your water soluble pen and write your word onto your fabric (again, I used Osnaburg Cotton).  Embroider over the wording.  Take a damp cloth and remove any of the blue pen that still shows through.

Cut words into rectangle shape.

Take your interior fabric piece and pin velcro in place.  Pin 1/2" from the end and both sides.  I used osnaburg cotton for my interior fabric because I wanted to make sure that I used something that would be unbleached, natural and food-safe.  You can use muslin as well.  I just love the feel of osnaburg (and it's very inexpensive too).

Stitch your velcro in place on both sides.  Stitch as close the edge of the velcro as possible.

Fold your lining (interior) fabric in half (right-sides together).  Stitch down the right and left side, but leave a small opening on one side (see picture below) - 1/2" seam allowance.

I left a small opening on one of the sides - you will need this little opening later to turn things right side out.

Apply fusible interfacing to all of your embroidered words (according to package directions).  Make your words as big or as small as you like.  Mine were all a little different, but I like it this way because it has a more handmade feel.  Iron each word to the exterior fabric.

Use a zig-zag stitch around the exterior of each word rectangle.  You can use a straight stitch if you prefer, but just be aware that you will have some fraying on the edges (but some people like that look).

Fold exterior fabric in half (right sides together) and stitch down the right and left side - 1/2" seam allowance.  Clip corners.  Turn right side out.

Once turned right side out press with an iron.

Turn exterior fabric inside out again.  Place interior fabric inside exterior fabric with velcro facing the right side of the exterior fabric.

Line up the raw edges and pin in place.

Stitch interior and exterior fabrics together by stitching around the top of the snack bag - 1/2" seam allowance.

Now this is why we needed that little opening.  Pull exterior fabric through the opening to turn the whole snack bag right side out.

To close the opening in the lining, stitch down the side of the interior lining.  I stitched the other side too just to make them both the same.

Add top-stitching around the top of the snack bag in coordinating thread.

And there you have it - snack bags for the little ones in your life.  Or just for you (my husband said he even liked them!).

I think it would be fun to embroider kids names on the bags or other fun words that having meaning to your family.

I couldn't decide between "goodies" or "munchies" but Savannah said she liked "goodies" better.

You can adjust the measurements of this tutorial and make these bags as big or as small as you like.

These snack bags came together really quickly by doing them assembly line style.  So I recommend doing it that way if you plan on making these.

 Perfect for dry snack foods like Cheerios!

Cottage Mama's Note:  These snack bags are completely washable, but are not waterproof.  I know oil cloth is a very tempting fabric to use for these bags, but please avoid using that product as it is not considered food-safe.


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