Thursday, March 3, 2011

Project Bloggers Give Back....Transforming a Garden

Posted by Head Fly at 12:05 PM
Please join me and a group of awesome bloggers in transforming an overgrown unloved garden into a beautiful oasis for a charity here in Toronto.

Who we're helping:  George Herman House, a Home in Toronto that assists women living with mental health issues. The home provides a safe, nurturing and encouraging home for the women, established to help empower them and assist them in making a transition into independent living. They had a request on their website for help in turn their garden into a space for the residents of the house and we want to make that happen!

Our Goal: To turn the garden into a space where the women can go and relax during the summer months. It should be low maintenance so the women aren't burdened with upkeep, but a place where they can put some love into it, and go to unwind and enjoy.

How You can Help: We need help financially, ideas, and product and even help on a renovation day in the Spring or Summer. Are you a company that could donate paint, lumber, or outdoor furniture or financially support us? Are you a blogger like us, and want to help get some awareness to this?  E-mail with how you think you can help. This is a team effort!
 *Product donations are eligible for tax receipts as George Herman House is a registered charity.

Who is participating: Myself and Aubrey, Jen from Rambling Renovators, Vanessa from Decor Happy, Maggie and Rob from Ok, Now What? and Lisa from Wicked & WeirdSarah Gunn (Yummy Mummy Wall Candy Blog,  Amy from Eye See Pretty and Emilija from The Home Slice. Can we add you to the list? You can help in fundraising, manual labour, or even just helping get the word out.

Twitter Hashtag
: #BloggersGiveBack

Pictures of the space currently

Please send me an e-mail to if you would like to contribute somehow!

If you would like to contribute financially towards our outdoor project, you can mail a cheque made out to George Herman House to the address set out below. *Please make sure you write on the cheque that the funds are specifically for "The Healing Garden" so that the funds are dedicated towards our project. A tax receipt will be mailed to you.

George Herman House
158 Madison Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5R 2S5
 I (Lindsay) have a personal connection to this house, knowing someone who greatly benefited from the program that George Herman House offers. I do not have any other connection, other than seeing first hand the value that it has for our city.


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