Monday, September 26, 2011

as they fly the nest ...........

Posted by Head Fly at 12:27 AM

As you may know I have just settled one of our daughters to start her studies in Nice.  With this comes the  practical side of course: the move; the settling in; decorating the flat; - and I loved that she let me share the fun in all of that, - but then there is the emotional side to it all.

The empty nest ....  what most of us dread.  It's looming shadow was one of the reasons that pushed me to start my blog " to reinvent myself !" 

With four children the empty nest doesn't happen overnight, they slip away one by one, sometimes temporarily before they return - also temporarily -  filling the house with urgency and fun then re-disappearing for longer, maybe for ever.

So what do you say as they finally flap their wings and jump overboard on their own, solo in this big wide world?  Do you offer words of advice or do you just say, "what they haven"t learned by now, it's too late to start teaching". 

Is it more difficult to watch a girl go off than a boy? not because your affection is greater of course, but because the dangers sure seem to be.

Is part of our need to still be with them, an underlying need to keep them little, or are we wistful for  our own youth and wishing to live vicariously through their new experiences?

I guess it's really a mix of all the above and more, but I wondered about  the best adieu .....

Good luck!
Be brave!
Be kind!
Be on your guard!
Eat proper food!
Wash your socks!
Spend wisely!
Come home often!
Write me!
Work hard!
Tell us all about it!

The danger here is that it sounds like a list of commands, orders:   "Atten......SHUN!"

Maybe the very best words are simply to say,

I love you, I believe in you, I trust you,
I'm here if you need me, 
you will do well 

I wish you all a beautiful Sunday, with or without your family.
Be kind to each other, enjoy.


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