Sunday, October 16, 2011

The evolution of the exterior of the house

Posted by Head Fly at 7:37 PM
When we bought our house, we described it to people as the ugliest house on the prettiest street. Most streets have a house like ours - a house that has been neglected, and needs some love.  Over the past three years we've been focusing the majority of our energy (and finances) the interior of the house but the exterior has been had some major improvements as well. To show you the new walkway we had done last week by Chandler & Co, I think you really have to see the evolution of our house. So, this is what we started with....

The first thing we did was that Spring we added a new wood door (a gift from my parents because we were dead broke) and removed the dead plants and tried fixing the lawn. It was at this time that we noticed our walkway was alternating colours. (True story - we didn't notice the alternating colours until well after we bought! The things you don't notice when you're buying a house!)

Between then and this past Summer, little happened to the front of the house with the exception of some planting. But this Summer and Fall we really made the biggest improvements (and costliest) - the windows, and the walkway. But, although the most expensive of the improvements, they weild the biggest results.

Yay! A totally new house. Although the walkway was a little bit of a surprise expense this Fall, it makes such an improvement to the house and I smile every time I walk up it. I'm so excited to have little Ghosts and Goblins walk up it in a few weeks.

So with the new windows, new front door (style #2744), new walkway, I think our house goes from the ugliest house on the street, to one of the prettiest. The whole process has actually been interesting - where I think for our House #2, we may look for the ugliest house again. Because transforming it has been crazy fun, and great to pick the details.

[Design + Build by Bill Chandler]

Ps., My appearance on the Steven and Chris Show I typed the wrong date. It is TUESDAY, October 18th. (I had previously writen Monday, October 18th)


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