Friday, November 25, 2011

sorting out my day

Posted by Head Fly at 2:05 PM

Just a month before Christmas and there is so much else to be done!

I'm sure we're all the same, we open our eyes in the morning and the first thing that comes to mind is THE LIST.  Of course we'd hate to feel useless, or even worse, bored, but there are days like today when I'm  really not sure how it will all fit in.

Many years ago someone told me "if you want something to be done, ask a really busy woman!" , sounds illogical but actually so true.  I also find that the busier I am, the more I manage t fit in.  When I have an ultra full day, I start off with something that wasn't even on the list and the rest sort of fits itself in afterwards.

So today before I:

finish sewing a cushion for an order;
pack up a chandelier and a pile of sheets;
feed the horses;
go to the post office;
write a piece that an editor is waiting for;
shop and bake for this weekend;
list new items in the brocante store;
make a couple of important calls;
answer a pile of emails
and prepare the guest house for friends arriving tomorrow

I shall first .... take Gibson for a walk in the forest, with my camera and without my phone ...... 

life is just a question of priorities!

What's on your list today?  I bet that between us all we're moving mountains!


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