Wednesday, December 28, 2011

what do you do after the rush?!

Posted by Head Fly at 2:12 PM

I LOVE to have the house full, the children home, friends to visit, dinners to prepare and tables to lay.  But part of that pleasure is knowing that when it's all over, even though I continue to be busy, I shall carve out a little bit of me-time.

At this time of year, we often set ourselves challenges in the form of resolutions, but supposing we stopped pushing ourselves so hard and instead indulged ......

Of course it's always possible to run a long scented bath at the end of the day, then sink into bed with a good book, but sometimes it's good to aim higher, to be more ambitious, dare I say greedy even.

Me-time is never easy with four children, in fact for the past twenty years, apart from riding it has been non-existent, but now they are growing up, I begin to see windows of opportunity!  :)  Nothing too ambitious:  I haven't planned a trip to the tropics, or booked myself into a  spa!

The me-time I'm looking forward to will be spent painting.  I already set up the easel, I found some good canvases and boards before christmas and put them aside.  I have a few ideas floating around in my head, but we'll see what happens when the brush hits the canvas!   For me, the mere sight of paint on a palette is therapy.

So I was wondering; if I wave a magic wand and give you 3 hours with no constraints of time or money, what would  your me-time be?  Shopping alone?  A luxury facial?  Sleeping late in the morning?  A long chat  with a girlfriend?  A walk on the beach?  

I'm willing to bet that between us all we could come up with a surprising wide range of ideas.


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