Tuesday, January 24, 2012

French women preparing for spring

Posted by Head Fly at 2:38 PM

Even though we haven't reached the end of January, there is a deliciously spring like feel to the air.  The birds have picked up on it and have dusted off their spring songs.  Snowdrops are out in the garden and like every other woman in France I am beginning to think about Spring... and lighter weight clothes... and putting away those heavy jumpers that have so conveniently hidden the fact that in the winter we indulge in a little over eating. 

UGH!  Some things just have to be said!

So here we go, my insider view on how French women are preparing for the fast approaching spring.

First of all they are moving!  Running, cycling, swimming, dancing, riding, walking or going to the gym - it's not what they do but how often.   The experts say that 20 minutes a day of movement and exercise is enough to make a real difference.  Walking the dog, cycling to the store, taking the stairs instead of a lift, in my case walking up the hill to feed the horses ...it all counts , especially for us bloggers who have too many temptations to stay sitting down!

Next they are drinking water , aqua, de l’eau!  Lots of it, for a couple of weeks they  forget about wine, champagne etc and drink a couple more glasses of water a day than they would normally.    The winter holidays always brings too many opportunities to raise a glass of champagne or indulge in heavy meals, now is the time to repent!

Then of course their food,  SIGH .... French women and their food, it is fascinating to see them surrounded by so many great things to eat and still stay slim.  It's no secret , they hold back!  They are reasonable, a little of everything, moderation, and avoid the carbs and the desserts!  Three well balanced meals a day, no snacking, plenty of vegetables and light protein.  I see it everyday, French women take their time over meals, they don't skip meals, but that doesn't mean they eat a lot. 

One secret I can reveal to you is 'bouillon', light stock, preferably home made not from a cube.  To be drunk with a few vegetables and even a little pasta.  Delicious, satisfying, wholesome.  Effective!

So what do you think?  I know this stuff, you know this stuff, we read it every time we open a magazine, but for the French it is simply non-negotiable.

You want to be slim, you work at it.  So here is my challenge to you, and to me:  let February, March and April be the months that make the difference.  Let us feel good ... à la francaise.

Feel inspired
feel French
feel the difference!

PS.  sorry about the 'slogans' at the end, I've been watching Mad Men!  :)


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