Thursday, February 16, 2012

a fantastic giveaway from Parisienne Farmgirl

Posted by Head Fly at 1:07 PM

I am thrilled to welcome Parisienne Farmgirl as a new sponsor to MFCH.  The Creator and Editor Angela writes the  blog Parsienne Farmgirl that you may already be familiar with , and on the 1st April she is heading for a huge new adventure with the launch of her very own e-magazine.

-   Hi Angela, welcome to My French Country Home!  When I read  Parisienne Farmgirl, I can see that you are very family oriented.  You have 4 beautiful children, we know that your mother writes another great blog, Savvy City Farmer;    how important is family to you? 

My family is definitely my number one priority.  I am very selective about what I do outside of the home and am very "home-centered".  When I do get out for some "Momma time" it's very refreshing and much needed, but I really enjoy taking care of my family.

-    I'm amazed at how much you get done with four small children to care for; not only the blog but you school your children;  sew clothes, cook and bake and now you are launching an e-magazine!  

Would you like to tell us a little about your daily routine and your priorities. (dear readers, you may want to sit down before seeing the next bit - it's exhausting !! :)

Girls tease me about that often.  You know, I don't really do it all.  I wake up every morning thinking, "How much can I cram into this day?  From creating a new cake recipe to working out but I never get to it all,  Not one does, no matter how gorgeous a blog they create!  LOL! I stick pretty close to home and I am very task orientated to I accomplish a lot even with homeschooling and a new baby but let's be real, something always gives ... if it's a high macaron production week in the kitchen the laundry suffers a bit you know?  

I do a lot of planning ahead from meals to what the children are going to wer to church on Sunday, it saves my brain from freaking out when things really get moving.  I do love to work and we don't have TV so I suppose I save a bit of time there.  It's a flattering question of course but we are all the same  aren't we?  No one does it all - we all have days where we just need a good shampoo and some time to clean out our fridge!

-   What gave you the idea for the magazine and who are you hoping to reach?

I have to say that I receive the MOST encouraging emails from women throughout the week.  Goodness knows I am not the craftiest person out there, I only sew occasionally, I am not creating and photographing new recipes every other day, nor can I shop for treasures the way I wish I could but there seems to be something about the Parisienne Farmgirl concept that has struck a chord.  Those who live in the city are intrigued by a slower, homespun way of life and what country girl doesn't dream of being an ultra chic city girl? 

The idea of the magazine feels so comfortable. Simply stated I want to reach women who are looking to carve out a more beautiful life for themselves and their families.

-  There is a very strong womanly feel around your blog and your pictures.  How do you explain that blogging is so popular with women?

Oh, I have to say, I am glad you noticed!  How dull to run around and try to be like a man all the time!  I love femininity and I don't really mean frilly and lace.  I mean embracing femininity in everything from our clothing to allowing ourselves to fall head over heals in love with taking care of our families.  I firmly believe that blogging has been such a success with women because we are dying for friendships and for affinity.  These days so many women work, we are spread all over the place... it's difficult to make like-minded friendships.  Blogging opens up an entire world for women who would never have time to make those kinds of friends.  It's like the modern day version of the 1950's bridge game!

Tell us more about the magazine ...

So, Parisienne Farmgirl Magazine "Blending Country Life Simplicity with Champs Élysées Sophistication" is all about inspiring and promoting women. 

  I really want to bless other women with the exposure that has been afforded me in the last couple years.  There are a lot of big time girls out there and small time ones... the ones who can actually buy their families groceries thanks to an Etsy sale or two.  I want the magazine to be a blessing to them - getting the word out about them!  It's going to be a gorgeous publication and we have found the most amazing writers and photographers - all with a Parisienne Farmgirl spin of their own.  We want it to be beautiful... heavy on photographs, light on ads. 

And - between  you, me and your readers I will have my Macaron cook book done and ready for sale by July!  Lots of people ask me about my macarons so I am pretty excited about it!

So finally to the giveaway ...  Angela is generously offering a year's subscription to anyone joining in the giveaway, and if you have already subscribed, you could be reimbursed.  As if that weren't enough, she will also gift this fantastic Linneas Lights scented candle to the winner.  The giveaway is open to everyone so don't hold back.  To enter simply leave a comment below, telling me that you follow Parisienne Farmgirl, and you have taken a look at the magazine preview , to gain extra entries come back and tell me that you have spread the word on facebook, twitter or pinterest.

Winner announced in a week's time, Thursday 23 February!


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