Sunday, March 25, 2012

what did we do before blogging?!!

Posted by Head Fly at 10:34 PM

This week I introduced a girlfriend to the world of blogging.   Just like me a couple of years ago, she had never visited a blog ...  she didn't understand what they were about.... or why she would read one ......

It didn't take long for her to be hooked!

I set up some links on her computer, explained to her the basics, introduced her to my favourites and then left her to it.  The real fun, after all, is finding your own way around.

I bumped into her again at the end of the week and could hardly get a word in; she had so much to say "do you know this one?  did you see what that girl did in Australia?   I love that German lady's pictures...."

I smiled and nodded wisely,  enjoying her pleasure, and then she threw it at me ... "these people are so talented, but what were they doing before blogging?!!"   

"Um,, euh ... duh ...." .....  I couldn't answer!

We take it for granted today that we can run our own little blogs.  Our place to share, to shout our joys, to whisper our pleasures,  and sometimes our fears.

Some are good with a camera, others work magic with words, some show us their homes, others their take on fashion.  It feels like each blogger is running their own magazine where they are the editor, photographer, journalist, marketing manager and chief coffee maker.

The readers who stop by make it all worth while.  Those that leave comments  are taking an active role, and those who just read silently also contribute their share of statistics and 'hits'; so gratifying to every blogger.

So what did we do before the dawn of blogs?   We worked of course, we cared for our families, we enjoyed and embellished our homes, but how did we share all that? Or didn't we need to?

 What has blogging replaced?  Where did this need to show and tell come from?  How much of the enjoyment is pure voyeurism?  To someone like myself, who lives quietly in a small village, blogging has totally changed my horizon.  From this computer in the middle of nowhere, I have the privilege of reaching thousands of people.

When I take pictures of the valley, I procure real pleasure because I love the countryside here, and  everyday beauty thrills me.  That pleasure is heightened through sharing.  It isn't showing off, simply increasing enjoyment by letting others enjoy the same stuff.

A new thing is happening too with e-magazines.  Many bloggers feel confident enough to create monthly or two-monthly magazines, filled with fantastic pictures and great information.  Would they have ever done that without the trampoline of a blog?

Not long from now, and probably already, sociologists will be teaching classes on 'the dawn of blogging and how it changed (the role of women in) society' .......

 I don't really have the answers here, but I'd love to know what you think.   Whether you have your own blog, or whether you read other blogs, or both, you are probably spending some time in front of a screen.  Where have you taken this time from?   How has the growth of the blogging community changed your everyday life?

A lot of questions for a Sunday - forgive me!

Here the sun is bright, the day is shorter since we went on to summer time
 during the night, so I must get busy!  :)
Thank you for reading me, and thank you for your wonderful comments 
which inspire me to continue blogging

PS.  Thank you to Bob (one of my very favourite commenters!) , in the comment below, and to whom I cannot reply because his email address doesn't show.   A big thank you to my men readers, I am lucky to have you stop by!   Sorry if I sound like I am talking to women only.  I'm not, but it is true today that most of the blogs I read are written by women.  Here however is a shout out for my favourite 'masculine' blogs and sites

All Things Ruffnerian
David Terry Fine Art 
David McGrievey Illustration
The Sartorialist


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