Friday, May 25, 2012

a letter to 'anonymous' readers - the good, the bad and the downright ugly!!

Posted by Head Fly at 1:50 PM

 Dear Anonymous,

I love to receive comments on my blog.  If I had no comments I probably would have packed the whole blog thing in way back.  Sometimes I reply by mail, sometimes I leave a reply below the comment box, but often I'm sorry to say  I don't have the time.

But today I write my post especially for all you readers who leave comments as 'anon'.  Of course you have every right to, but still  I'd like to encourage you to put a name to your lines.  :)

 Why?  Well the reason depends on which camp you are in:

 ... the good, the bad or the downright ugly .......

First   the good.........

Let us be clear!!  I am NOT trying to discourage people from leaving me comments under anon!  I know that the registering procedure can be pesky, and that some are just plain shy about leaving a name - and that is fine!  Thank you for reading me at all,  and taking the time to comment, even as 'anon'.  Of course you are welcome to leave comments under 'anon'!!   

 The only downside to the anon comments from the 'good' readers, is that I cannot reply directly to your lovely comments!  So if you'd like to receive replies from me or from other blogs you visit: how about creating an email address under a pseudonym that is kept separate from your regular email and used  just for surfing blogs?

 This way bloggers like myself could write to thank you for your lovely comment without ever invading your personal space. :)  ♥♥♥♥

now to   the bad.......

we have all seen nasty or mean comments left on blogs.  Not very often in this blogosphere, thank goodness, but still they pop up occasionally.   You know the sort of  thing: the comments that snipe, that criticise, that dish out unwanted opinions.

  OK, everyone has a right to their opinion, but in my book, if you're not brave enough to put a name to what you think, you'd be better  keeping quiet!  If you don't like what is written on a blog, then either put your case politely and SIGN the message, or keep your opinion to yourself and move right along. 

and finally the downright ugly

these are the ones who are plaguing me at the moment, leaving spam mail all over the blog, possibly carrying viruses.  To these people I have two words to say

 GO AWAY!!!!  Your comments never make it onto the  blog, you are deleted from my mail box without being read, you are wasting your time here!!

Voila mes amis!  I feel a whole load better for having said it.

So please  tell me, I'd love to know, was I right to say it all out loud?!

all photos thanks to google images


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