Sunday, July 8, 2012

french country life and a sweet little loot shoot

Posted by Head Fly at 1:30 PM

 French country life continues to bumble along here, and we have a long-legged blonde in the field with Iris!   We weren't happy leaving him alone while Quick is on stable rest, so we found him a glamorous girlfriend to keep him busy!

Whenever I see her I think of Debbie Harry!

 Anyway this morning saw me up to my normal tricks, and out early despite the dark clouds that threatened yet more rain.

The fair  I chose to visit was in a pretty little stone built village, with vendors along the streets and tree lined squares.

 I didn't get this beauty, but simply had to pause and admire.  Goodness only knows where the pram has been stored for the past 100 years or so,  but the dust is authentic, I can vouch for that, and all things considered it really isn't in such bad shape!

 I love these old wooden wheelbarrows.   Their sides lift off for transporting logs, and they will last for another century with no problem.   Today I didn't have the space to pick it up, but in the past I have succumbed.

So what did I get?  A seascape oil painting;  some enamel canisters; baskets, silver plate creamers and a sweet little set of three little tables.  Not sure what to do with those yet.  Sand them down; paint; leave them chippy? .... I am open to suggestions.  :)

I also bought a couple of bunches of beautiful purple dahlias, being sold by a charming gentleman, freshly picked this morning from his garden.  That is the delight of country fairs,  you never know what you'll find.

I hope you're having a great weekend, finding treasure maybe, or  finding girlfriends for ponies!

Whatever it may be, thank you for finding the time to stop by and read this blog.


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