Sunday, August 5, 2012

the country bouquet

Posted by Head Fly at 9:00 AM

August is the least spectacular month for gardens here, and it's a moment when I often walk the meadows for some 'padding' for my bouquets.

The only thing about meadow flowers is that they look so uncomfortable in a vase or anything too formal, so I like to cheat and place a few jam jars in an antique basket, and create the bouquet in the basket directly.  That way they look more at home.

Yellows and mauves and whites are the prevalent colours for the moment, be it in the garden or in the meadow, so yellow and mauve and white is what I bring you today!  There are several varieties of Achille; the yellow fennel that I love so much, some Sedum not yet in flower, I think the little purple flowers are a variety of wild origano, but I'm happy to stand corrected on that one ... some grey sage, golden rod, and even some onion flowers.  Hope you like it.

Alot of family happenings here this weekend, and no fairs tomorrow!  Didi I really just say that?!  Yup, not a fair nor a loot shoot in sight, but don't worry I'll make up for it next week;  and soon it will be time for my brocante tour, so then you'll be overdosed on loot shoots and general brocante hunting fun.

I wish you all a lovely weekend, I thank you for reading me, and I'll be back on Monday!


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