Monday, September 24, 2012

do you have enough 'me-time'?

Posted by Head Fly at 2:14 PM

Most women spend more time looking after the people around them than taking care of themselves.  That's not philosophy, it's just a fact.  It is built into us somewhere, we're genetically programmed to  tend.  That doesn't mean that men don't do their share too, but it does look like it's easier for them to detach themselves and .... go for a run, or watch a match or sit down and read the paper ....

I have noticed that French women really understand the importance of a little me-time.   It is part of the culture that they will find the space in their busy  timetable to take care of themselves too.  Their me-time is often spent doing some sport; having lunch with a girlfriend; or an appointment at their salon de beauté.

So today, on a breather between guests and appointments, I checked into our tiny local beauty salon and got a simple manicure.  Forty minutes of soft music, plump pillows covered with fluffy soft towels, easy conversation, the lovely smells of the perfumes and creams all around me.  No gel, no false nails, no fancy colours, just a quick tidy up and clear nail varnish, but I emerged feeling very good indeed.  I have even resolved to do this sort of things more often!

What do you like to do for a quick pick-me-up?


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