Saturday, October 13, 2012

blogging and sharing - a fine line to tread

Posted by Head Fly at 2:27 PM

During the month of September, to my surprise, a couple of readers wrote me asking why I don't show more pictures of the inside of my house ...  hmmm....

Of course maybe I don't show more of my house because it's not as picture perfect as I'd like it to be, or because the children  leave their odd socks all over their bedroom floor, or because the dogs have chewed the corners of the stairs. .......  Or it could be because there is a fine line to tread.

I replied (politely and kindly I hope) that although this is a blog called MFCH, and although the header is a picture of our home, it's actually a place where people come to dream and imagine, and create their own ideal and image of living in France.

 Added to that, I pointed out that this is  above all our family home, and that the more I divulge of our daily living, the more it would feel like an invasion to my husband and children.

Then of course it got me thinking about how the net, and social networks in particular, have blurred the boundaries between privacy and publicity.

My entrance hall, the camera rarely goes further than this!

A generation ago, before facebook existed, who would ever have thought that anybody was interested in what you're eating today, or where, or with whom?!  social media has changed all of that.

I was once told that if I wanted the blog to be successful, then I had to "bare all"!! " The more you show, the more you get"!!  And there are certainly some very successful blogs out there, who prove that true.

There is a big element of voyeurism to blogging, I know that.  I do it too.   But I also enjoy the blogs that make me laugh with their witty writing, or make me dream with tales of where they live, or please my eye with their perfect taste and  clever styling of small vignettes .

Strangely enough, I don't really mind if a blogger is telling the truth or fabricating ... I just want to be entertained.   Each blogger has to decide how far they want to go.     I'm not comfortable  showing pictures of myself, or of my family (apart from the dogs!), but I know that not everyone feels that way. 

So what do you think?  Am I making a fuss about nothing?
tell me please, I'd love to know.

I wish you a lovely weekend, 
thank you for reading me.


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