Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Posted by Head Fly at 6:48 AM

I desperately need art for our living room. The debate for the past few months has been to do a painting, or to do a blown up photograph. 

The easiest choice I felt was to do a blown up photograph. But although I love photographs enlarged I feel as though it's a very modern look, which isn't the look of our living room. The alternative was to do a painting - which is harder to do, but I think the look that suits this room most. So, I've trusted my gut and I'm going with a painting.

We debated the size. Do you go larger than the console, or smaller? I chose to go smaller, as I visualized my console as a fireplace mantle. Rarely do you see art that is larger than the mantle...right? And, rarely do you see art that is larger than a couch. As my Dad said, when I asked him - it would look top heavy.

I cut a piece of paper 2" smaller than the console - taking into consideration there will be a frame around the canvas. I pasted that above the console and although it looks a bit weird in the photo above, I feel as though it works. Now, this wouldn't be the only art - I'd also add in some smaller art on the side - totally inspired by this image of Sarah Richardson's farm

I'm on the lookout for nice little landscapes, perhaps I'll find some in my travels. But my next step is making/buying that canvas and painting it. Let's see how long it takes me to accomplish that. ;)


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