Monday, April 16, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday - Creating Non-Picky Eaters

Posted by Head Fly at 4:55 AM

So as of recently 'Muffin Tin Monday' is what we've been doing for lunch around here each Monday afternoon.  Have you heard of this?  Well, just Google 'Muffin Tin Monday' and you will find a million and one pictures of this idea. 

Basically you just use a muffin tin, load it up with a variety of different foods and serve the muffin tin as your child's plate for lunch (or dinner).  Pretty easy, right?

Here's what was in our muffin tin this past week:

Starting from the top left, moving to the right:

1. Woven Wheat Crackers
2. Peas
3. Sliced Banana
4. Tortilla Chips
5. Carrots
6. Shredded Cheese
7. Ham
8. Cherrios
9. Marshmallows
10. Turkey
11. Raisins
12. Clementines

This might look like a lot of food, but would you believe my four year old ate almost every single thing out of her muffin tin?  Yep, my girls have serious appetites......kind of like their mama.  You could certainly do this with a 6-cup muffin tin or use a mini-muffin tin as well.

The girls thought it was so fun to try all of these different foods, though most of them are ones they have had before.  Luckily my kids have pretty diverse tastes, but Matilda can be a little picky at times.  This offers kids a fun way to try some new things without the added pressure of it being a large portion of their meal.  Not to mention the fact that it's a good way for parents to incorporate lots of different food groups in their kids diets.  And really, who wouldn't want to eat their lunch out of a muffin tin?

For the most part I post pretty pictures of my children here on the blog, but my girls are so darn silly when I pull out the camera, so I thought I would share some 'out-takes' during this last Muffin Tin Monday.  Here are the girls (and no, I did not tell them to make any of these faces):

 'Savannah, I can't believe it's Muffin Tin Monday!'

 Matilda's Pirate Face

 'Oh my, I LOVE Muffin Tin Monday'

Probably my favorite with Savannah's silly face poking into the picture.

Do you do Muffin Tin Monday around your house? 
 If so, what are some little finger foods your kiddos love to eat?

And if you haven't tried Muffin Tin Monday, give it a whirl.......I bet your kids will love it!

Happy Monday!


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