Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Love The One You're With- Inside Out Design

Posted by Head Fly at 5:03 AM
Today I have the most wonderful Sherri guest blogging for me. I know I have said

this before, but Sherri is one of those people who you

really feel like you know after reading her blog Inside Out Design.

The other day I read this recent post and was brought to tears. Maybe it is still the hormones, or maybe it is having a baby in our "very tiny but special to us first home" but it really spoke to me. Anyhoo, I am honored to have Sherri here today so without further adieu...

When Marianne asked me to contribute to her 'Love The One You're With' series, I had a hard time deciding which room to choose. Do I choose the one I enjoy looking at the most or the one that holds the most memories? I decided to show you the one I love looking at the most. It is the one room in my house that is always peaceful, has no television, is used mostly for family gatherings and always looks clean (even if it isn't).

I love to sit in here and read a book, visit with friends and open gifts on Christmas morning. This room is also the first thing you see when you walk through our front door and it feels the most like 'me'. When we first bought our house 24 years ago, the "living room" was a narrow space that was basically a pass-through from the bedroom wing hallway to the kitchen. Because of that, it was a hard room to space plan.

Over the years we made some changes. We relocated the front entrance, moved the hallway opening so it was not in the middle of the room and created an 'entrance' by adding a courtyard in the front. It is not a big house by today's standards and I never thought it would be our stay-in-forever-house. There are many things I would love to change (a larger dining room for one!) but it is our home and it holds so many memories I do not know if I could ever give it up. We have watched our two beautiful daughters grow up in this house and are blessed to be enjoying our new granddaughter here as well.

I have always liked white and except for a short phase where I tried to 'conform' I have had a white sofa. I found that it was the easiest to care for with small children (and even more so when they became teenagers) because I could clean it and it would never fade. I have had my current sofa for 12 years now. It has had red wine spilled on it, chocolate and who knows what else but all I have to do is throw the slipcover in the wash or spot clean it and it is as good as new.

For me, white just feels fresh and gives me a feeling of calm. It is also easy to throw in pops of color when I am in the mood and gives me the ability to change things around; which I do a lot.

I originally bought the corner armoire to place a TV in but changed my mind. It holds my revolving accessories and overflow of platters and serving pieces and balances out the fireplace in in the opposite corner.

The decor has evolved over the years. It was never decorated like I would do for a client - all at once and put together; instead pieces were added here and there, little by little - mostly discounted furniture I found while shopping for clients or perusing through HomeGoods. I tend to buy pieces that I love and don't put too much thought into where it will end up. It all gets moved around anyway!

Last summer I brought in the white cabinet that used to be in my daughter's room to give the room and lighter look. It was an inexpensive Ikea piece that was intended to hold my daughter's school books but I have to say, I am really enjoying it in the living room.

I hope you enjoyed seeing the room I love ... in the house that I love. Thanks Marianne for including me in your series!

Thank you again Sherri, what a wonderful post about a wonderful room. I can definitely see chatting with friends in there and I loved hearing your take on the white sofa! Everything looks perfect but comfortable and inviting.


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