Sunday, April 22, 2012

sleepy french villages and my loot shoot

Posted by Head Fly at 1:08 PM

Rain, rain go away .....  never mind April in Paris, April showers are beginning to lose their appeal here, especially at dawn, and especially when I'm trying have fun finding brocantes.

The only good thing about the inclement weather is that it kept the crowds at home in the warm, still asleep behind closed shutters, so I didn't have too much competition while buying this morning.

I lost count of clocks and milk churns this morning, 

or iron beds!

Then once home, while it was still raining a little, just the time for a quick loot shoot before the skies really opened and I could go inside for a hot coffee and a croissant with my children who were only just coming down for breakfast!

And what did I find?  

..... some monogrammed porcelain serving dishes,

a load of white ironstone including these pretty shell plates,

a pair of shabby chic soap racks, same colour slightly different pattern,

terrine dishes,

a vintage sunburst mirror, (that's not damage to the glass, just rain!)

a beautiful painting

 some fantastic homespun textiles and a great piece of ticking

a wonderful mannequin 

and a child's fishing basket that I  adore!

What I call a good day's work before the day even starts!


wishing you a fun Sunday, and a good start to the week ahead!


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