Friday, April 13, 2012

The Handmade Business: Where to Start?

Posted by Head Fly at 7:08 AM

So you want to start a handmade business?  The first question to really think about is 'what are you going to make to sell?'.  Or maybe you have a handmade business already but your products don't seem to be getting the attention you had hoped.

First, ask yourself this, what do you enjoy creating?  

That is the MOST important question in starting a handmade business.  If you do not enjoy what you are doing, then you will not be happy creating the pieces for your shop and you will burn out very quickly.  Handmade takes time and effort, so you must make sure you are having a good time.  The same goes for blogging.  Do not start a blog unless you are completely happy doing it whether you make money or not.  But we'll have to address blogging on a different day......back to business.

So for me, I love creating children's clothing.  But not just any children's clothing. I love creating quality, lined garments with timeless looks, made from bright, fresh, modern fabrics with great attention to detail.  Adding woven trims, piping and lining garments really gets me excited.  It might sound a little strange to you if that is not your passion, but I love being able to add heirloom quality details to the children's clothing I create.

I have been pulled off the path several times by creating the simple elastic neck dresses (which is fine if that's what you love creating) because they sell, but when I get right down to it, if I'm not adding a lot of trim or embellishments to them, I just do not enjoy making them.  It's very easy to veer off your original plan because something sells.  And if you are just looking to make money, then that is fine, but I tell you........if you lack the passion behind your handmade business, it will eventually be reflected in your work.  However, if you are looking to go into your handmade business to make money AND live out your creative passion, you must stay true to yourself.

I am a firm believer in specialization when it comes to handmade businesses.  What do you want to be known for?  What is your niche?  There is nothing wrong with furthering your product offerings down the road once you have developed your customer base, but be very careful not to offer too many things right off the bat.  I encourage you to reflect upon yourself and think about these things:

~What types of products do you get excited about making?
~What products of yours do your friends and family talk about you making? What gets you compliments?
~What type of look do you naturally gravitate towards? Vintage, Modern, Classic, Retro, ect.? Brights, naturals, shabby chic, ect?
~Think about your personal style.......does that carry over into your work?
~Are there any products you do not enjoy making?
~Do you mind creating the same thing over and over or do you prefer one-of-a-kind pieces?
~What materials do you like to work with ~ textiles, beading, yarn, ect.?

When people visit The Cottage Mama, they are visiting my shop because they know I sell children's clothing (and as of recently, children's sewing patterns).  They are not expecting to see dish towels, purses, jewelry and just any ole thing I felt like making.  Though, I will tell you that I often get the urge to create things that are totally out of line with my shop, but I usually get those urges out of my system by creating the item and then either keeping it for my family or gifting it to someone else or sharing it on the blog.  As a creative person, branching out into other realms of creativity will (and should) happen to keep you fresh and inspired.  But remember, everything you make does not need to be sold in your shop.

So this is what I would like everyone to do this weekend.  Give yourself some time and truly visualize how you picture your handmade business.

~What are you selling?
~What feelings and emotions do you hope to evoke through your handmade products?
~What will you be happy creating?
~What is your true creative passion?

Once you have a clear picture of where you want to take your business, we can move onto the next step..........branding.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have by leaving a comment.  I will try to answer everything for these posts in the comments section so everyone can share the answers.  Odds are, if you have a question, someone else does too.  Remember, I'm an open book and I am happy to help you in any way I know how.  Thanks for stopping by!


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