Thursday, June 14, 2012

a chateau to die for and giveaway winners

Posted by Head Fly at 1:49 PM

I'm always looking out for days-out for our guests here, and last Sunday, as I drove through Normandy at some unearthly hour on my way to a fair, the sight of the Château d'Ambleville in the morning mist just took my breath away.

 I am sorry to say that I wasn't at the wheel, and I didn't like to ask my friends to interrupt our journey for my photo needs, so all these pictures are borrowed from the web.

The Chateau d'Ambleveille was constructed in stages between the 12th and 17th century.  Today it can be visited along with its remarkable gardens.  I love the size and architecture of the building, and the italian renaissance garden, with as a highlight in the spring, the criss-cross pattern of 80,000 white narcissus!

And now to the winners of my giveaway.  Thank you all for joining in,  I was thrilled to get such a huge participation.

 You may remember there were three mini give aways:  the hotel silver creamer; the monogrammed hand towel and the little duck moulds.

 The hand towel is won by Amy Breckenbridge at Cupcakes and Couture

The duck moulds are won by Silvia Chiarini at SILVIA

and the hotel silver creamer will shortly be winging its way to Katherine at Glamour begins at Home

If these ladies would be kind enough to email me with their address, I'll be packing and posting next week.

And for those of you who really really wanted the silver creamer, as luck would have it I have two more available, as well as 5 more duck moulds, so if you want the details just drop me  a line - first come first served!


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