Wednesday, June 6, 2012

a guest post and a june give away

Posted by Head Fly at 10:40 PM

Today I am honoured and excited to be a guest at The Enchanted Home, that wonderful blog written by the sparkling Tina, who has delighted us with the tale of building her home, and then with the opening of her beautiful on-line store.

If you haven't been there before, check her out straight away!!

And to any new visitors to My French Country Home, that have come over from Tina's Enchanted Home, thank you for dropping by.  To celebrate the month of June, possibly my favourite in the year, I am pleased to announce a little giveaway, you'll find details at the end of the post.

June, here  in Normandy, is the month of roses, the month of dropping by at friends' homes; the month of garden fairs, the month of early starts to get to brocante fairs in fields still wet with morning dew.

Here are a few shots I took over the past couple of weeks, a sample of everyday life at My French Country Home.

sharing drinks with friends who live by the river;

planting up the potager;

misty mornings before hot days;

climbing hydrangeas shouting for joy;

and peonies and roses competing for our attention;

So here without further ado, are the little treasures I have found recently at brocante fairs here, and that I am happy to offer to three different readers for my June giveaway.

First a pretty hand towel embroidered with the letter A, second a hotel silver creamer, embossed with the name Welcome Hotel, and lastly three little duck moulds, so charming on a kitchen shelf.

You know the drill for these giveaways

leave a comment telling  me what you would like to win;

and for another entry share on fb or twitter;

an extra entry for each accomplished task!
Winners will be drawn out in a weeks time, midday Wednesday 13th, Paris time of course!

Thank you for reading me, and thank you to Tina for inviting me over today.

Bonne chance!!


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