Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reusable Coffee Sleeve Tutorial

Posted by Head Fly at 1:47 PM

I love coffee.  Now, it is VERY rare these days that I allow myself to purchase a Starbucks coffee.  Being a stay-at-home Mom means being on a strict budget which, of course, is SO worth it being able to spend all day with my two little ladies.  However, I know many, many of my friends and family that love to have their daily coffee fix from their local coffee shop.

When you purchase your coffee it comes with the cup, the lid and the cardboard coffee sleeve.  My goodness - that is a lot of waste for one coffee drink!  So, I thought maybe we could help eliminate some of the waste by creating a reusable coffee sleeve.  Just a small little sleeve that you could slip in your bag or briefcase and use when you buy your coffee.

I have seen so many of these for sale on  They are super-cute, but they looked easy enough to make, so I thought I would try my hand at making one myself.  If you know someone who is a coffee-shop addict (or you are one yourself), make them one of these reusable coffee sleeves and help our environment by eliminating waste.

Reusable Coffee Sleeve Tutorial

1/4 yard (or less) scrap piece of fabric
4.5" elastic
Fusible Interfacing
1 button
Coffee Sleeve (for your template)
Paper Coffee Cup (yes, I was FORCED to treat myself for this tutorial - I had a giftcard!)


Here is your basic coffee shop cup with the standard paper sleeve.

Here is the paper sleeve.

Unfold the paper sleeve to use this as your template for your reusable one.

Place your paper sleeve onto your fabric (fabric should be folded in half).

Cut fabric (using the paper sleeve as your template).  Cut 1/2" - 3/4" wider than template.

Cut one piece of fusible interfacing (I use Wonder Under) the same size as your fabric pieces.

Place your interfacing (paper side UP) onto the wrong-side of one piece of your fabric.

Iron interfacing onto fabric (leave the paper on when ironing).

Remove interfacing paper backing.  Pin both pieces of fabric right-sides together.

Cut your elastic 4.5" long.

Place the elastic in between the two pieces of fabric and pin it pointing inward.  You pin it inward so that when you turn it right-side out, it will be going the right direction.

Stitch around three sides (both long sides and the side with the elastic) of your fabric - 1/2" seam allowance. 

Clip the corners and the curves so that it will lay nice and flat when you turn it right-side out.

Turn the fabric right-side out.  Then fold under (the side you left open) about 1/2" and press.  Once you press your fabric, this will fuse the two pieces together really well.

Pin the open end in place and then top-stitch around the entire perimeter - 1/4" seam allowance.

This is what your top-stitching will look like once completed.

Then stitch your button in place - the center of the button should be about 3" from the edge of the fabric.  I used embroidery floss just to make it extra durable.

And there you have it - your completed coffee sleeve!  This project only took me about 30 minutes and it really is so easy.  Not only is this great for our environment, but it makes your coffee cup super-cute too!!

Cottage Mama's Note:  You can embellish your coffee sleeve many different ways by adding trims (i.e. rick-rack, ribbon, rhinestones) and fun buttons.  Have fun and get creative!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment or email me!


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