Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two New Do's!!

Posted by Head Fly at 1:51 PM
This was a BIG weekend for haircuts in our house.  My daughter, Savannah, got her first little haircut in preparation for her 2nd birthday.  We just did a little trim because I want to grow it out so I can do fun hair-dos someday.

Here's Savannah with her cute little haircut (and her lollipop too, of course!)

So last night I did it - I cut a foot off of my hair!  It was just time.  For the last 3 years I have been growing my hair out and while I do like having long hair, I found it was constantly in a ponytail.  With two girls under two, wearing my long locks down just wasn't practical (and I can't tell you how many times my 7 month old has grabbed my hair and pulled - ouch!!!)

Here's the before (I know, not the best picture, but you needed to see the length):

Here's my new do:

Before having my hair cut, I had planned to donate my hair "Locks of Love"Locks of Love is an organization that provides hairpieces for disadvantaged children under 21 that are suffering with long-term hair loss.  Many of the children that the hairpieces are made for are suffering from Alopecia.

Hair for Donation

My hair has had no chemical treatment so it was a perfect candidate for donation.  I also had over 10 inches (which is the minumum they prefer for donation).  The hair pieces given to these children really help them to gain self-confidence and make it easier for them to face the world.  I hope that a wonderful hair-piece can be made from my donated hair and will help make life easier for a child in need!

For more information about Locks of Love or to find out about how to donate, please click here.


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