Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine - "We Dig You!"

Posted by Head Fly at 7:50 AM

My daughters and I are in a playgroup that gets together every other week.  There are 13 Moms, 13 two-year olds and a handful of siblings - a big group, I know!  I have known most of these women since my daughter Savannah was 5 weeks old.  We met at a breastfeeding support group through the hospital where I delivered and have been friends ever since.

Our playgroup has decided to do a Valentine's Day exchange this year.  We were instructed (by one of the former teachers in our group - I guess you never lose that teacher mentality) to bring 12 Valentine's (1 for each child, excluding our own) and to decorate a box or bag and bring it to collect all of our childs' valentines. 

Well, we haven't decorated our box yet, but I decided I wanted to do something a little different than your standard boxed Valentine's for my girls to give their friends.  I saw this idea somewhere (I think it was in one of my parenting magazines) and I just thought it was too cute to pass up! 

"We DIG You!"
Savannah & Matilda
I bought sand shovels (because two-year olds love the sand!) in multiple colors - the girls are pink & purple and the boys are more primary colors.  I then placed each shovel in a cello bag and filled it with goldfish crackers, conversation hearts, and a couple dum-dums.  Then I tied it up with a ribbon and tied on a tag.

On the back of each tag, I placed a heart with each childs name on it.  I used my handy Cricut machine to cut out the tags, but you could just cut them out by hand as well.

On each tag I wrote - "We DIG You!" Love, Savannah & Matilda.  Each tag has a hole in it and I threaded the ribbon through and tied it in a knot.

I placed all of treats in a basket and they are ready to go for Valentine's playgroup next week!!

Cottage Mama's Note:  I washed and dried each shovel before placing it in the bag, just because I knew it would be touching food.


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