Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Fun Little Contest and a Giveaway from Me to You!

Posted by Head Fly at 4:30 AM
So as you know, I am due with my third child, a baby boy, on September 6th.  Right now I am scheduled to have a repeat c-section on that day.  I had a regular delivery with my oldest, Savannah, and then an emergency c-section with Matilda due to her heart rate dipping and her face front presentation.

If I go into labor naturally prior to September 6th, I will attempt a VBAC (assuming everything looks good).  If not, we'll play it safe with our scheduled c-section. Things are kind of up in the air.  But I thought it might be fun to do a little guessing game with you guys if you feel like playing along.

Here I am at almost 39 weeks with my enormous belly.  I can't tell you how many people have asked if I am carrying twins.  Nope, only one baby in there and I always carry really far out in front.  My oldest daughter was born five days LATE with an induction due to preeclampsia and PUPPS.  She weighed 7 lbs. 15oz. and was 21 inches long.  Matilda was also a preeclampsia induction, but five days EARLY and weighed 7 lbs. 12oz and was 20.5 inches long.  So far with this pregnancy no signs of preeclampsia at all!

So I've let you know about my previous deliveries to give you a basis for your entry into the contest.  Here's how it will go.  Leave me one comment and let me know 3 things:
1) How much you think baby boy is going to weigh?
2) How long will he be? and for the tie-breaker........
3) What day and time you think he will be born (hour and minutes, please)? 

So I will pick the winner based on the person who gets the weight or closest too it, but if we have two people who picked the same weight, then I will use the length and if we still have a tie then I will use the date and time as the tie breaker.  Sound good?

Want to know what you are playing for........here's the prize - I'm going to let you choose two yards of fabric from my personal collection.  You can choose two full yards of one print, a yard each of two different prints, or a half yard each of four different prints.  I'll leave it up to you.  But these are all 100% designer cotton fabric and some of this fabric can be a little difficult to find lately.

Here are your choices:

These are all fabrics that I currently own by the bolt.  I may be selling some of this yardage off in the near future if I don't need it all for the shop......we'll see.  So if you aren't following along on Facebook, it might be a good idea to head over and join us to find out the latest from The Cottage Mama (click HERE to visit the facebook fan page).

**PLEASE NOTE: This contest is for The Cottage Home blog readers ONLY.  Why?  Because I love you guys and want this opportunity to be just for you.  You MUST be a follower, feed subscriber or email subscriber to enter.  If not, feel free to become a follower or subscriber and enter to win!**

And one last thing, I am writing this post on Sunday, August 28th and am pre-scheduling this post.  So who knows..........have I already had baby boy?  Probably not, but you never know!


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