Monday, August 1, 2011

yesterdays loot shoot and a giveaway winner

Posted by Head Fly at 3:28 PM

I have decided not to show the loot directly on a Sunday.  Taking the photos and listing my finds makes  it feel too much like a working day, instead of a resting family day.  So here is my loot I was happy to find yesterday.  The brocante was on the streets of a local town, which I don't normally enjoy, preferring instead the feel of grass beneath my feet, but despite that the fair was huge and  treasures were to  be found.

I was very happy to find some pretty china, engravings, old papers, more moulds for candle holders, some amazing linen shams that were only half made by a meticulous seamstress.  Beautiful unfinished work that is strangely touching.

I adore these old bills, with their pretty logo and stunning handwritten invoice details.

Love this old bread basket and of course the enamel jugs.

Had fun with the moulds yesterday evening and enjoyed the play of light through the glass knife rests.

And then my giveaway winner, the name was pulled out of a hat by Gibson, no I'm kidding, by my daughter and I'm happy to announce that the grain sack is packed and waiting to be sent off to Lorrie of Fabric Paper Thread .  If you don't know Lorrie's blog then stop by, she shares her life in Vancouver, her love of France, and she often leaves comments on my blog in French YAY!  Congratulations to Lorrie, and a big thank you to everyone who joined in the giveaway and who reads my blog regularly.


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