Friday, August 26, 2011

my mid year resolutions and why blogging isn't good for me

Posted by Head Fly at 12:24 AM

I love to blog.  I love all those amazing blogs out there to be read, I love receiving loads of messages and mails and I love my brocante site, but the time has come to admit that it's doing me no good!

Before I knew what the word b..l..o..g meant I used to spend hours in my garden; bake cakes for my kids; talk to my husband; exercise regularly and  ... my ironing would be up to date.

Since the fatal day, 18 months ago, when I started this little blog, all that has changed ....  my children only have odd socks to wear, my garden is disappearing behind a jungle of weeds, I am growing stiff and unsupple and if anyone wants a hot meal in this house then my husband has to cook it  ....  OK that is a bit of an exaggeration, there is however a grain of truth, and so I have decided to make some mid-year resolutions.

I need to limit my time in front of this screen.  

One way of achieving this is that I have bought myself a new computer ..  YAY ! ..  to replace the steam driven model I'm typing on right now.  The new baby will arrive at the end of the  month and hopefully photos will upload to my blog posts in nano seconds instead of the current half an hour, and I will be able to continue writing My French Country Home in a fraction of the time it takes me today.

The other way to extract myself from the chair in front of  the screen is by sticking to those resolutions I just mentioned.  Namely ( and the idea here is that if I make them public, then I have to stick to them, right?!)

1.   I shall cycle or walk  each day
2.   I'll ride my horse several times a week like I used to, instead of the irregular hacks out that I surprise him with today
3.   I shall  rise early and keep my chores up to date before turning on the computer

That's for the physical and practical benefits.  There are a couple of resolutions aimed to benefit  the intellectual and social side to my life too:

4.   This is the year that I take Italian classes - having self taught from books for a while now, I need to crack on and make real progress before my brain goes into meltdown and can no longer tell the difference between linguine and spaghetti!

5.   I will try and write that novel that has been sitting in a cupboard beside the fireplace for two years

6.   But most importantly of all,  I shall set aside special time to enjoy with my family, and hopefully they in return will stop calling me supergeek!

So now please, just to encourage me, tell me truthfully how you manage your screen time.  Is is a struggle?  Have you just the read the above aghast with horror and vowed never to read my blog again or do you empathise and feel relieved that you're not alone?!

Do let me know, I'm counting on your support on this one :)
Merci mes amis!


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