Friday, June 1, 2012

books on shelves

Posted by Head Fly at 10:04 AM

I started a little debate on my facebook page this week, but still feel the need for more ideas and input ... if you don't mind! :)

We read a lot in this house, we love to read, we love to be able to reach a familiar volume easily, we love to have books close to hand.  We have a lot of books.

I've been looking at ways of displaying books and using the shelves without it all looking too busy.   Delving into pinterest I found many photos of books recovered in white paper or kraft paper, and the name re-written onto the spine.  I am sort  of liking this idea.

When I mooted the notion on fb I was shouted down, with comments like:

 "what's the point of having the books if you can't find them"

"I really don't care for that look. When I go into friends' homes, I want to see what they are reading"

" You want to read them or just look at them? "

 "Leave them as they are...much more interesting, intriguing and honest. 
Otherwise they  look like a bad decorator's trick!"

Hmmm....  but I still sort of like the idea .....

 People suggest blocks of colour, but I'm not wild about that, because our books are sorted into sections: history, fiction, practical, french, english..... 

So here are a few pics I am using to help my thinking process.   If you have a moment, I would love to hear what you think, thank you!

First of all the extreme, bookshelves without books.  No, I don't think I'm going down that road although I think this is a great picture and I adore that rug, but that's  a whole other subject.

I like this shot, I believe it's taken in India Hicks  house somewhere sunny.  Liking the kraft, cream and turquoise books, but I know that it looks like books have been bought to fill space by a decorator, rather than being enjoyed as reading material.

Here are two pictures where the books are broken up with objects and spaces.  This looks a little sterile to me, and anyway we have w-a-y too many books for that.

This I am liking, but I think the picture has been brightened to tone down the busy colour scheme.

 and the next two I love, but even in the picture below, there has been some very careful colour staging.

Definitely a step too far...

probably too neutral too

and finally to my favourite, which sort of brings me full circle, because the books here aren't covered or colour blocked,  except for one shelf of white books.  This really looks like a personal collection.

Right, so I am still in the same muddle, wanting shelves to looks less busy, without looking sterile.

I am sure you will have the answer, please tell!

all photos sourced on pinterest


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