Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Fabric Rag Wreath Tutorial

Posted by Head Fly at 8:02 PM

I have had my spring wreath on the door since, well, the beginning of spring.  I kind of felt like it was time for something new.  I wanted to create a summer wreath for our front door that would be fun and cute, but would break the budget.  So here's what I came up with.......

Summer Fabric Rag Wreath Tutorial

1 wreath form (whatever size you like)
Scraps of fabric (10-12" long)
1 piece ribbon or other material for hanging

This is a medium sized wreath that I bought from the dollar store, so it was only $1.00 (woohoo!!)

Pull out your scrap bin to find the fabric for your wreath.  This is my "Nicey Jane" scrap bin (I like my scraps to be arranged by fabric line).  I LOVE Heather Bailey's "Nicey Jane" just exudes summer!

Cut your fabric scraps into 10"-12" long strips for a medium wreath.  The length will depend on the size wreath you have chosen.  Use all different widths - I had some very skinny pieces and some pretty wide ones.  I like the variety of the different widths.

Now the fun part - just tie each strip on the wreath and tie it into a knot.  Push them very close to one another.  Do this until your entire wreath is covered in fabric strips.

This is what the front of the wreath will look like when it is complete.  Fluff all of the strips and make sure none of them got caught in the knots of the others.  Give the wreath, what I like to call a "haircut" if you feel the strips are too long.  Cut it down until the look is to your liking.

Here's what the back of the wreath will look like - which I think looks pretty also.

Now you will need ribbon or twill tape (which is what I used) to make the hanger for the wreath.

Cut whatever length you need depending on your door......mine was only 10" long.  Loop the ribbon around the wreath and tie a knot.  The knot will not be seen by all of the scraps on the wreath.  Place the knot down on the wreath.

Hang your new, fun summer fabric rag wreath on your front door.  Doesn't it look happy?

This is not the best picture, but you get the idea.  So I hope you will use your leftover scraps of fabric to make a summer rag wreath.  This really is one of the easiest projects I've ever done - no sewing, no gluing - just a little time.  This is also a great project to have the kids take part in too!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


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