Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 2: What's for Dinner?

Posted by Head Fly at 5:40 PM

This is week 2 of "What's for dinner?".  If you missed my post from last week, here's the scoop.  I am compiling a weeks worth of The Cottage Home recipes for you.  If you click on the recipe title it will link you to my recipe where you can find all of the ingredients and directions to make these dishes.  I hope that this helps out with some of the stress of weekly menu planning.  Happy eating!

Here is the menu for Week 2:

Monday:  Creamy Chicken Enchilada Casserole

This is a delicious casserole that can be made up to a day ahead of time and just pop it in the oven before dinner.

Tuesday:  Easy Asian Stir Fry

This dish will really make you feel like you've ordered in from a really great chinese restaurant.

Wednesday:  Bacon, Onion and Sweet Pea Risotto

Risotto does require sometime at the stove, but the 20-25 minutes it takes to make this dish is well worth it!

Thursday: Chicken "Diviiiiiiine"

This is from one of my favorite "go to" cookbooks and is definitely a big hit with the kiddos.  Also makes great leftovers.

Friday:  Pizza Night
Order in from a NEW pizza place.  Maybe there is a new shop in town that has just opened.  Give them the benefit of the doubt and try them out.  If you don't know of any new places, perhaps try a local "Mom and Pop" pizzeria as opposed to going to your local chain - I'm sure they could use the business!

Cottage Mama's Note:  I hope you enjoy all of these recipes - they are some of my favorites.

Have a great week!


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