Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oscar, 9 months

Posted by Head Fly at 6:55 PM
Oscar turned 9 months old. I can't believe it. He is still sporting a single tooth (can you spot it?)

Last week Oscar had a rough go of it. He got Roseola which is three days of a fever, and when the fever breaks, they break out into a body rash and all over his forehead. By Monday of this week the rash had 99% disappeared as they said it would, and he was back to normal. You feel so badly for them, and it's hard when they can't communicate what is wrong.

I ended up investing in a Braun digital ear thermometer during the fever period as it made it a lot easier to get a quick reading. I was finding it hard to keep a thermometer under his arm for a long period of time. Sick babies are fussy, and don't like weird things under their arms.
He is almost fully self feeding himself but I'm still breastfeeding him as well. My plan is to get him to a year on breast milk and so far, so good. He's eating cooked chicken, scrambled eggs, broccoli and loves picking up shredded cheese. I got great recommendations on baby books (not to mention support from you) when I talked about feeding an 8 month old.  I ended up reading Annabel Karmel's Baby Food Book (gifted to me by a Family member). It's pretty light on the recipes but I really actually like how it is laid out so I'll likely pick up some more of Annabel's books.

And it's anyones guess as to when the rest of the teeth are going to come in. I have comfort in the fact that I have never known a baby who didn't get teeth, so I think we're safe. ;)


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