Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Annie Sloane chalk paints and moi!!

Posted by Head Fly at 1:19 PM
I realise that I am light years behind most people, but I have to tell you that I have just got to know Annie Sloane , or rather her paints.   I'm certainly not an expert yet, but I have had fun painting and distressing;  waxing and buffing.

 I know that when you discover new prodcuts, you are meant to be sensible and try them out on small items:  experiment, test and get to know.    I'm just not very good at being sensble;  when I have a project in mind, I simply want to throw myself at it, body, heart and soul.


So in a token gesture to Madame Annie Sloan, I practised for a couple of minutes on an old egg cup and then threw caution to the winds, the egg cup to the bin  and  turned my attention to a dresser which was quickly transformed with a coat of Graphite.

The rather wonderful thing is that I don't have to drive half way across France to find these beautiful chalk paints.  I've made the aquaintance of a charming Claire.  Also British, living in Brittany and stockist for Annie Sloane paints.  Claire has a flower and paint shop and if you ask nicely she'll pop the paints and wax into  a sturdy box to be delivered to your door ASAP!

She even holds workshops!  One day soon I shall be packing a sandwich,  and a map, and driving to deepest Brittany to meet her, and learn first hand the tricks of the chalk paint trade.

So if you are lucky enough to be in Brittany this summer, then stop off at les Couronnes Sauvages, have a chat with Claire and book yourself into a day course so you can go home and single handedly repaint your house in those wonderful Annie Sloane colours.

Thank you Claire, I'll soon be back for more!


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