Monday, July 18, 2011

satisfied and happy?

Posted by Head Fly at 1:08 PM

This weekend I was chatting to a girl about a mutual friend whose energy I admire.  I'll call the friend Jane.  Jane is  ambitious, dynamic, fit and healthy.  She has a great husband, two adorable children and her own small but successful company.   I have noticed though that Jane rarely appears satisfied.  I always guessed that her  lack of satisfaction was her driving force, but sometimes I'd like to see her relax a little and simply enjoy all she has.

The girl I spoke to this weekend surprised me when she said, "Jane will never be satisfied, she refuses to accept happiness" .....

Is that it?  Do we have to consciously accept happiness like we accept a birthday gift?:  - unwrap, say thank you  and enjoy ? ...

If we relax and count our blessings, what will we use to motivate us to try harder and improve daily?  Where will we find the inspiration for wanting the best for our children; for giving our all in our work; for  creating the homes we long for ......

What does a sportsman do to get to the top?  How does he combine the enjoyment of his discipline, of his gift, and the drive required to perform well?

Did you know that there are schools in the UK that have added 'being happy' as a subject to the high school curriculum?!

How do we bloggers balance the enjoyment of chatting and sharing, without becoming hung up on follower numbers  and growth curves? !!

If we ask too many questions about happiness, delve too deep, shall we all end up reliving Eat Pray Love and touring the planet looking for joy?!

I seem to be starting the week with a head full of questions, 
I'd love to hear your answers !


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